Goals and Objectives

Western sandpipers

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s conservation leaders. We have the responsibility and opportunity to provide effective, accurate education about precious natural resources to insure that the next generation is resource literate, connected to the land, and interested in resource management issues.

Specifically, the educational objectives for students participating in “Migration Science and Mystery: A Distance Learning Adventure” are as follows:

  • Develop a basic knowledge of the life history and biology of shorebirds.
  • Understand that shorebirds rely on critical wetland habitats for their survival.
  • Learn that neotropical migratory birds face a diversity of challenges to their survival, and many of these challenges are human-dependent.
  • Appreciate that migratory birds are shared between different communities throughout the migration routes.
  • Understand the role of citizens, public land management agencies, and non-governmental organizations in protecting and conserving habitat.
  • Become motivated to take action in their own backyards to protect birds and their habitats.